Header Background day #11

An Oath of Brothers (The Sorcerer's Ring, #14)

نویسنده: مورگان رایس
زبان اصلی: انگلیسی
لینک کتاب در انجمن
سال چاپ اولیه: 2014
بازدید‌ها: 1.6K
امتیاز گودریدرز: 3.9 (رأی 1.8K)
امتیاز منتقدین: - (رای 0 منتقد)
امتیاز کاربران: - (رای 0 کاربر)

خلاصه و توضیحات

در سوگند برادران تورگرین و برادرانش از سرزمین مردگان خارج می‌شوند و برای پیدا کردن گوئن سریع‌تر از همیشه میراندند؛ و بادبان­ها در دریای دشمن آماده‌اند درحالی‌که آن‌ها را به آن‌سوی وحشتناک‌ترین رؤیاهایشان هدایت می­کنند. هر چقدر به گوئن نزدیک می‌شوند با موانعی دشوارتر از قبل روبرو می‌شوند؛ موانعی که آن‌ها را با محدودیت‌هایشان می‌آزماید. آزمون‌هایی که تمام تمرینات آن‌ها را زیر سؤال خواهد برد و آن‌ها را مجبور خواهد کرد تا به‌عنوان برادر در کنار یکدیگر باشند.

داریوس در برابر امپراتوری می‌ایستد. با ارتش جسورش که روستاها را یک‌به‌یک آزاد می‌کنند. در مقابل شهرهای مستحکم، در مقابل ارتشی هزاران برابر ارتشش، او تمام شجاعت و غریزه‌اش را احضار می‌کند، مصمم به زنده ماندن، مصمم به پیروزی. در تلاش برای پیروزی از هیچ هزینه‌ای دریغ نمی‌کند حتی جانش.

گاندولین بدون هیچ انتخابی مردمش را به ضایعه­ای بزرگ هدایت می‌کند، در عمق امپراتوری بیشتر از هرکس دیگری، در جستجوی دومین حلقه افسانه­ای؛ آخرین امید برای نجات مردمش و آخرین امید برای داریوس. بااین‌حال در امتداد راه او با هیولاهای مخوفی روبرو خواهد شد، مناظر بدتر و شورش در میان مردمش که حتی شاید او هم نتواند آن‌ را متوقف کند.

Summary and description [From GoodReads]

In AN OATH OF BROTHERS, Thorgrin and his brothers emerge from the land of the dead, more driven than ever to find Guwayne, and set sail across a hostile sea, leading them to places beyond their wildest dreams. As they come ever-closer to finding Guwayne, they also encounter obstacles unlike ever before, obstacles which will test them to their very limits, which will call on all their training and force them to stand together as one, as brothers.

Darius stands up to the Empire, boldly amassing an army as he frees one slave village after the next. Facing off against fortified cities, against an army a thousand times his size, he summons all of his instincts and courage, determined to survive, determined to win, to strive for freedom at any cost, even at the cost of his life.

Gwendolyn, with no other choice, leads her people into the Great Waste, deeper into the Empire than anyone has ever journeyed, on a quest to find the legendary Second Ring the last hope for the survival of her people, and the last hope for Darius. Yet along the way she will encounter horrific monsters, worse landscapes, and an insurrection from amidst her own people that even she may not be able to stop.

Erec and Alistair sail for the Empire to save their people, and along the way stop at hidden islands, determined to raise an army even if it means dealing with mercenaries of questionable repute.

Godfrey finds himself deep inside the city of Volusia and deep in trouble as his plan goes from bad to worse. Imprisoned, set to be executed, finally, even he can see no way out.

Volusia forges a pact with the darkest of sorcerers, and driven to even greater heights, she continues her ascent, conquering all who stand in her way. More powerful than ever, she will take her war all the way to the steps of the Empire Capital until she is up against the entire Empire army, an army that dwarfs even her own, setting the stage for an epic battle.

Will Thorgrin find Guwayne? Will Gwendolyn and her people survive? Will Godfrey escape? Will Erec and Alistair reach the Empire? Will Volusia become the next Empress? Will Darius lead his people to victory?

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مورگان رایس 2

مورگان رایس

مورگان رایس نویسنده‌ای که خود کتاب‌هایش در زمینه‌های فانتزی و علمی تخیلی را منتشر می‌کند، در سال ۲۰۱۱ اعلام کرد که علاقه‌ای به دنبال کردن شیوه سنتی انتشار رمان‌های نوجوان خود ندارد. در سال ۲۰۱۳، سه کتاب اول او در میان کتاب‌های فروش محبوب سایت آمازون بود. در فوریه ۲۰۱۶، چهارکتاب او در میان ۲۰ […]
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فایل‌های این کتاب

An Oath of Brothers (The Sorcerer’s Ring, #۱۴)

In AN OATH OF BROTHERS, Thorgrin and his brothers emerge from the land of the dead, more driven than ever to find Guwayne, and set sail across a hostile sea, leading them to places beyond their wildest dreams. As they come ever-closer to finding Guwayne, they also encounter obstacles unlike ever before, obstacles which will test them to their very limits, which will call on all their training and force them to stand together as one, as brothers.

Darius stands up to the Empire, boldly amassing an army as he frees one slave village after the next. Facing off against fortified cities, against an army a thousand times his size, he summons all of his instincts and courage, determined to survive, determined to win, to strive for freedom at any cost, even at the cost of his life.

Gwendolyn, with no other choice, leads her people into the Great Waste, deeper into the Empire than anyone has ever journeyed, on a quest to find the legendary Second Ring the last hope for the survival of her people, and the last hope for Darius. Yet along the way she will encounter horrific monsters, worse landscapes, and an insurrection from amidst her own people that even she may not be able to stop.

Erec and Alistair sail for the Empire to save their people, and along the way stop at hidden islands, determined to raise an army even if it means dealing with mercenaries of questionable repute.

Godfrey finds himself deep inside the city of Volusia and deep in trouble as his plan goes from bad to worse. Imprisoned, set to be executed, finally, even he can see no way out.

Volusia forges a pact with the darkest of sorcerers, and driven to even greater heights, she continues her ascent, conquering all who stand in her way. More powerful than ever, she will take her war all the way to the steps of the Empire Capital until she is up against the entire Empire army, an army that dwarfs even her own, setting the stage for an epic battle.

Will Thorgrin find Guwayne? Will Gwendolyn and her people survive? Will Godfrey escape? Will Erec and Alistair reach the Empire? Will Volusia become the next Empress? Will Darius lead his people to victory?

  • زبان فایل: انگلیسی
  • فرمت فایل: pdf
  • تعداد صفحات: 224
  • منتشرکننده:
  • تعداد دانلود: 47 کاربر
  • حجم فایل: 1.2 MB
  • نام فایل: 14-Oath-of-Brothers.pdf
  • تاریخ انتشار: 1397/07/27


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تاریخ انتشار: 1397/07/27
فرستنده: JuPiTeR
دسته بندی‌ها:
لینک کوتاه: https://bkpr.ir/9011