Header Background day #18

مجموعه: The Chronicles of Narnia (Publication Order)

This is the original reading order (and the original publication order) for the series.

(See also the alternative Chronological Reading Order.)

Also known as:
Deutsch: Die Chroniken von Narnia
Ukrainian: Хроніки Нарнії
Slovenija: Zgodbe iz Narnije
Russian: Хроники Нарнии
Français: Le Monde de Narnia
Spanish: Las crónicas de Narnia
Portuguese: As Crónicas de Nárnia
Czech: Letopisy Narnie
Dutch: De kronieken van Narnia
Italian: Le cronache di Narnia
Polish: Opowieści z Narnii
Swedish: Berättelsen om Narnia
Finnish: Narnian tarinat
Romanian: Cronicile din Narnia
Serbian: Летописи Нарније/Letopisi Narnije
Turkish: Narnia Günlükleri
Persian: ماجراهای نارنیا
Hebrew: סיפורי ממלכת נרניה