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Mythopoeic Award

3 ارسال‌
2 کاربران
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4,538 نمایش‌
Prominent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 606
شروع کننده موضوع  

Mythopoeic Award

The Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature is given to the fantasy novel, multi-volume novel, or single-author story collection for adults published during the previous year that best exemplifies “the spirit of the Inklings”. Books not selected as finalists in the year after publication are eligible for a second year. Books from a series are eligible if they stand on their own; otherwise, the series becomes eligible the year its final volume appears.
The Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children’s Literature honors books for younger readers (from “Young Adults” to picture books for beginning readers), in the tradition of The Hobbit or The Chronicles of Narnia. Rules for eligibility are otherwise the same as for the Adult literature award. The question of which award a borderline book is best suited for will be decided by consensus of the committees.
The Mythopoeic Scholarship Award in Inklings Studies is given to books on J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and/or Charles Williams that make significant contributions to Inklings scholarship. For this award, books first published during the previous three years are eligible, including finalists for previous years.
The Mythopoeic Scholarship Award in Myth and Fantasy Studies is given to scholarly books on other specific authors in the Inklings tradition, or to more general works on the genres of myth and fantasy. The period of eligibility is three years, as for the Inklings Studies award.


The Mythopoeic Awards are chosen from books nominated by individual members of the Mythopoeic Society, and selected by a committee of Society members. Authors, publishers, and their representatives may not nominate their own books for any of the awards, nor are books published by the Mythopoeic Press eligible for the awards. The Mythopoeic Society does not accept or review unsolicited manuscripts. To nominate books, volunteer for committees, or ask questions about the Mythopoeic Awards process, please contact the Mythopoeic Awards Administrator
Mythopoeic Awards Administrator
David Oberhelman
306 Edmon Low Library
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078

http://www.mythsoc.org/awardsمرحله اول ابتدا ترجمه این متن بالا هست. بعد از تکمیل جوایز نوبت به جوایز اهدایی هست.

ensieh-oof واکنش نشان داد
Prominent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 606
شروع کننده موضوع  

بعد از این پست مثلا اعلام آمادگی می کنید. من این متن رو ترجمه می کنم. یه جور رزو هست. دیگه این برای شما هست. حالا تو یک روز ترجمه کنید، چه تو سه هفته؛ فقط ترجمش کنید. ناتموم نذارید. برای قرار دادن معرفی جوایز از خود سایت جایزه نه از سایت ویکی استفاده کنید.

جایزه میتوپوئیک

الان پدرام رزرو کرد، دیگه کسی حق نداره بعش پست بده.

ensieh-oof واکنش نشان داد
Active Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 17

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