Header Background day #08

Merlin has brought hope to Fincayra, the enchanted isle that lies between earth and sky. But Fincayra is still in great danger – and its first victim is Merlin’s mother. Merlin’s only hope to save her is to master the Seven Songs of Wisdom, but to do that he must defeat an ogre whose merest glance could mean death.

جزئیات فایل

  • زبان فایل: انگلیسی
  • فرمت فایل: pdf
  • تعداد صفحات: 210
  • منتشرکننده:
  • تعداد دانلود: 43 کاربر
  • حجم فایل: 1.78 MB
  • نام فایل: Merlin-2-The-Seven-Songs.pdf
  • تاریخ انتشار: 1397/07/25
  • آپلودر: JuPiTeR
  • برچسب‌ها:

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