سری پنج جلدی بردارن خون داستانی است در مورد یک گروه قسم خورده شکار خون اشامها که بوسیله جام جهنمی و از طریق شیاطین در 6 قرن پیش
اتفاق افتاده و این نگهبانها که به قسم خورده با خونهایشان هستند معروف به برادران خون در طی 6 قرن این خون آشامهارا شکار و از بین می برند .
جلد اول : امشب مال من باش
جلد دوم :شب شکارچیان
جلد سوم :شب گیر
جلد چهارم : بیایید شب را شروع کنیم
جلد پنجم : شب به شب
I am called Chapel.
For nearly six centuries I have roamed the night, a mortal man no longer. Would that I could undo the past—when I entered the sanctuary of the Knights Templar to wrest from them the Holy Grail, only to discover the chalice I raised to my lips was not the sacred relic but a hellish cup of damnation. Now I shun the day and all things human, driven by an ungodly thirst. And yet...
Never have I known a maiden the like of Prudence Ryland, whose beauty and spirit awaken a heart I feared long cold and dead. But her young life is slipping away, and she also seeks the deliverance of the Grail—unaware that the cost of her search could be her soul. I must help Prudence, for in six hundred years, no other woman has stirred my passions so. But dare I tender to my beloved that which she most desires—the sensuous "gift" of forever that is both rapture and a curse: my immortal kiss]?