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In The Year 2525 - Zager and Evans

3 ارسال‌
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Estimable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 129
شروع کننده موضوع  

این آهنگ یکی از بهترین آهنگ های سال 1969 است که مدتی در صدر جدول جهانی فروش قرار داشت


متن آهنگ:

In the year 2525, if man is still alive

If woman can survive, they may find

In the year 3535

Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie

Everything you think, do and say

Is in the pill you took today

In the year 4545

You ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes

You won't find a thing to chew

Nobody's gonna look at you

In the year 5555

Your arms hangin' limp at your sides

Your legs got nothin' to do

Some machine's doin' that for you

In the year 6565

Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife

You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too

From the bottom of a long glass tube

In the year 7510

If God's a-coming, He oughta make it by then

Maybe He'll look around Himself and say

"Guess it's time for the Judgement Day"

In the year 8510

God is gonna shake His mighty head

He'll either say, "I'm pleased where man has been"

Or tear it down, and start again

In the year 9595

I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive

He's taken everything this old earth can give

And he ain't put back nothing

Now it's been ten thousand years, man has cried a billion tears

For what, he never knew, now man's reign is through

But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight

So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday

.AVA.، hermion و Azi واکنش نشان دادند
Noble Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 869

ببخشید توضیحات بیش تری می دید؟

خواننده؟ مخاطب؟ شرکت تولید؟ موضوع؟

همه روو باد خودمون حدس بزنیم؟

Estimable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 129
شروع کننده موضوع  

@abramz 53862 گفته:

ببخشید توضیحات بیش تری می دید؟

خواننده؟ مخاطب؟ شرکت تولید؟ موضوع؟

همه روو باد خودمون حدس بزنیم؟

عزیزم من که خواننده رو بالا نوشتم zager و evans شرکت تولیدو مخابو موضوع رو هم نزدم چون معرفی نکردم آهنگو گذاشتم برا اونایی که میشناسن دانلود کنن اونایی هم که نمیشناسن توصیه کردم دانلود کنن جزئیات تو بخش معرفی انجمن بحث آزاد نوشته میشه
