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اسم شما چندمین اسم پرکاربرد جهانه؟

29 ارسال‌
22 کاربران
1 Reactions
3,378 نمایش‌
Estimable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 110
شروع کننده موضوع  

شاید شما دوست داشته باشید بدونید که اسمتون چندمین اسم معروف در دنیاست ،چند نفر در آمریکا هم اسم شما هستند ، چه نسبتی از مردم دنیا با شما هم اسم هستند ، شکل اسمتون با حروف بریل ، کد مورس و زبان بارکد به چه صورت است و یا اینکه بدانید آیا اسم شما به عنوان نام معروف تره یا نام خانوادگی ! همه این ها را می توانید در سایت pokemyname و با زدن اسم خود در کادری که در صفحه اول آن مشخص هست با خبر شوید.

neo واکنش نشان داد
Estimable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 173

هم اسم من در آمریکا 3494 نفر بود

خیلی ممنون

Estimable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 110
شروع کننده موضوع  
MAJID is the most popular 1499.th name in USA (... 1497.alphonse , 1498.virgilio , 1499.majid , 1500.hudson , 1501.shailesh ...). One in every 11,326 Americans is named MAJID and popularity of name MAJID is 88.29 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of MAJID to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of June.18.2012 03:53 there are 27,798 people named as MAJID in the United States and the number is increasing by 232 people every year.

Usage of majid as a first name is 69.35% and its usage as a middle name is 30.65%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in MAJID is 37 and this makes MAJID arithmetic buddies with words like Apt, Gabby

میبینید که. اسم من از نظر کاربرد در رتبه ی 1499 جای داره و در حال حاضر 27798 نفر تو امریکا هم اسم منن.((90)) چه اسم باحالی!((86))

Honorable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 349
MEHDI is the most popular 1080.th name in USA (... 1078.augustine , 1079.youssef , 1080.mehdi , 1081.reynaldo , 1082.ravindra ...). One in every 7,633 Americans is named MEHDI and popularity of name MEHDI is 131.02 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of MEHDI to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of June.18.2012 06:29 there are 41,249 people named as MEHDI in the United States and the number is increasing by 344 people every year.

Usage of mehdi as a first name is 78.26% and its usage as a middle name is 21.74%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in MEHDI is 39 and this makes MEHDI arithmetic buddies with words like Clear, Tame. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name MEHDI. :)

اینم از اسم من((90))داریم تا ((90))مجید ((96))((132))

Estimable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 110
شروع کننده موضوع  

مهدی((61))((61))! یه دفعه هم اسمتو با mahdi امتحان کن بیا اینجا بگو کدومش پرطرفدارتر بوده؟

عضو Admin
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 999

SOHRAB is the most popular 3956.th name in USA (... 3954.antoun , 3955.olivier , 3956.sohrab , 3957.adekunle , 3958.aleksander ...). One in every 39,011 Americans is named SOHRAB and popularity of name SOHRAB is 25.63 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of SOHRAB to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of August.19.2012 16:39 there are 8,082 people named as SOHRAB in the United States and the number is increasing by 67 people every year.

Usage of sohrab as a first name is 88.89% and its usage as a middle name is 11.11%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in SOHRAB is 63 and this makes SOHRAB arithmetic buddies with words like Educated, Gentle, Godlike, Divine, Huggable, Lanky, Wacky, Amused. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name SOHRAB. :)

lمن همیشه میدونستم اسمم یونیکه ولی الان دیگه دارم مطمئن میشم .

Estimable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 99

SHIVA is the most popular 2972.nd name in USA (... 2970.matilda , 2971.paola , 2972.shiva , 2973.fernandez , 2974.fenton ...). One in every 27,008 Americans is named SHIVA and popularity of name SHIVA is 37.03 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of SHIVA to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of April.13.2013 15:22 there are 11,737 people named as SHIVA in the United States and the number is increasing by 97 people every year.

Usage of shiva as a first name is 76.92% and its usage as a middle name is 23.08%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in SHIVA is 59 and this makes SHIVA arithmetic buddies with words like Learned, Liberal, Sober, Pert, Ironic, Delicate, Joker, Kicky, Limber, Logical, Solid, Moral. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name SHIVA. :)

از اسم من خیلی زیاد نیست.هم اسم من 11737 نفر در آمریکا وجود داره.ولی بازم بد نیست.((119))

Famed Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 3125

HANY is the most popular 1796.th name in USA (... 1794.ritu , 1795.latha , 1796.hany , 1797.royal , 1798.carlisle ...). One in every 14,331 Americans is named HANY and popularity of name HANY is 69.78 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of HANY to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of May.07.2013 10:07 there are 22,132 people named as HANY in the United States and the number is increasing by 183 people every year.

Usage of hany as a first name is 97.96% and its usage as a middle name is 2.04%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in HANY is 48 and this makes HANY arithmetic buddies with words like Genial, Radical, Noble, Brave, Dandy, Docile, Wild, Long, Cheered. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name HANY. :)

شيوا اسم من دوبرابر اسم تو هست!مى دو نستى؟

Estimable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 99

@Hermion 3620 گفته:

HANY is the most popular 1796.th name in USA (... 1794.ritu , 1795.latha , 1796.hany , 1797.royal , 1798.carlisle ...). One in every 14,331 Americans is named HANY and popularity of name HANY is 69.78 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of HANY to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of May.07.2013 10:07 there are 22,132 people named as HANY in the United States and the number is increasing by 183 people every year.

Usage of hany as a first name is 97.96% and its usage as a middle name is 2.04%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in HANY is 48 and this makes HANY arithmetic buddies with words like Genial, Radical, Noble, Brave, Dandy, Docile, Wild, Long, Cheered. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name HANY. :)

شيوا اسم من دوبرابر اسم تو هست!مى دو نستى؟

آره عزیزم

اسم من خیلی خاصه ولی اسم تورو همه رو بچه شون میذارن((200))((200))((200))((200))

Famed Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 3125

عزيزم!!!شيوا جان !عيب نداره حرستو سر من خالى كن مى دونم صندليه خيلى داغه((201))

Estimable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 110
شروع کننده موضوع  

راستی چرا من همیشه فکر می کردم حانیه رو می نویسن هانیه؟

Eminent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 27

هردومدلشومینویسن مجیدجون((228))((228))

Estimable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 99

نه اصلا داغ نیست


ببخشید این در جواب حانی بود

Famed Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 3125

پس خوش به حالت ((21))((21))

Honorable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 480

First some popularity statistics: Regarding there were not even a single person with this name, popularity of HASTI should be less than per million. According to this calculation, we can estimate that as of September.04.2013 14:00 there are less than 453 people named as HASTI in the United States and the number of HASTI's should not be increasing more than 4 people per year.

من هميشه بدشانس بودم

حتي اسمم برام خوش شانسي نميار

به خشكي اين شانس مزخرف....!!!!((51))

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