شاید شما دوست داشته باشید بدونید که اسمتون چندمین اسم معروف در دنیاست ،چند نفر در آمریکا هم اسم شما هستند ، چه نسبتی از مردم دنیا با شما هم اسم هستند ، شکل اسمتون با حروف بریل ، کد مورس و زبان بارکد به چه صورت است و یا اینکه بدانید آیا اسم شما به عنوان نام معروف تره یا نام خانوادگی ! همه این ها را می توانید در سایت pokemyname و با زدن اسم خود در کادری که در صفحه اول آن مشخص هست با خبر شوید.
منم که هم اسم مجید بزرگه هستم ((72))((72))1499 نفر
NEGAR is the most popular 5546.th name in USA (... 5544.beltran , 5545.oded , 5546.negar , 5547.alba , 5548.pryor ...). One in every 63,837 Americans is named NEGAR and popularity of name NEGAR is 15.66people per million.
If we compare the popularity statistics of NEGAR to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of September.04.2013 14:34 there are 4,982 people named as NEGAR in the United States and the number is increasing by 41 people every year.
Usage of negar as a first name is 72.73% and its usage as a middle name is 27.27%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in NEGAR is 45 and this makes NEGAR arithmetic buddies with words likeCool, Leader, Tall. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name NEGAR.
خوبه که آدمای کمتری هم اسمتون باشن، تک هستین رسما ((25)) ناراحتی نداره که. ((72))
من 8 ملیون توی جهان هم اسمم هستن((231))
SHERVIN is the most popular 6955.th name in USA (... 6953.tatum , 6954.raminder , 6955.shervin , 6956.kristofer , 6957.reno ...). One in every 87,775 Americans is named SHERVIN and popularity of name SHERVIN is 11.39 people per million.
If we compare the popularity statistics of SHERVIN to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of September.04.2013 14:47 there are 3,623 people named as SHERVIN in the United States and the number is increasing by 30 people every year.
6955 نفر هم اسم منن
چقدر اسم من تکه 74000 می شدم فک کنم فقط 75000 تا بود
اسم من که 182 اسم مشهور جهانه
HANIYEH Name Report:
HANIYEH's Popularity and Statistics
We couldn't find name HANIYEH in our database which has 74,738 names that are compiled from 702,203 Americans. Have you spelled it correctly? If you spelled it correctly but we couldn't find this means that there were not even one person with name HANIYEH in our database. But if this is your name, we still poke it and give you a report below so keep reading.
First some popularity statistics: Regarding there were not even a single person with this name, popularity of HANIYEH should be less than per million. According to this calculation, we can estimate that as of September.04.2013 17:29 there are less than 453 people named as HANIYEH in the United States and the number of HANIYEH's should not be increasing more than 4 people per year.
عجب اسم محبوبی دارم!((209))
نام کاربریم که:DAREN is the most popular 2566.th name in USA (... 2564.kristopher , 2565.jeri , 2566.daren , 2567.marci , 2568.shamim ...). One in every 22,652 Americans is named DAREN and popularity of name DAREN is 44.15 people per million.
و درباره حجت هم:HOJJAT is the most popular 56965.th name in USA (... 56963.thunga , 56964.thucchan , 56965.hojjat , 56966.peckhouy , 56967.shankara ...). One in every 702,203 Americans is named HOJJAT and popularity of name HOJJAT is 1.42 people per million.
هــــــــــــــــــــی...بدک نیست!!!
13718 نفر تو آمریکا هم اسم منن. چه اسم پرطرفداری دارم. ((3))((3))((3))
+بالای صفحه ای که نوشته اسمتونو بذارین یه گزینه هم هست also poke your birthday توی این یکی هم میتونین تاریخ تولدتونو بزارینو ببینین((3))
اسم منو پیدا نکرد
فکر کنم چون ایرانیه
MINA is the most popular 1334.th name in USA (... 1332.georgia , 1333.radha , 1334.mina , 1335.burt , 1336.aida ...). One in every 9,753 Americans is namedMINA and popularity of name MINA is 102.53 people per million.
If we compare the popularity statistics of MINA to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of September.08.2015 04:51 there are 33,150 people named as MINA in the United States and the number is increasing by 269 people every year.
Usage of mina as a first name is 80.56% and its usage as a middle name is 19.44%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in MINA is 37 and this makes MINA arithmetic buddies with words like Apt, Gabby. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name MINA.
MAHDIEH is the most popular 56548.th name in USA (... 56546.errajith , 56547.nooshik , 56548.mahdieh , 56549.xinming , 56550.chunting ...). One in every 702,203 Americans is named MAHDIEH and popularity of name MAHDIEH is 1.42 people per million.
هر سال 4 نفر اسم منو میزارن((99))
EMAD is the most popular 1392.nd name in USA (... 1390.huy , 1391.melody , 1392.emad , 1393.chen , 1394.sylvester ...). One in every 10,327 Americans is named EMAD and popularity of name EMAD is 96.84 people per million.
If we compare the popularity statistics of EMAD to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of September.11.2015 10:49 there are 31,311 people named as EMAD in the United States and the number is increasing by 254 people every year.
Usage of emad as a first name is 97.06% and its usage as a middle name is 2.94%. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name EMAD.
خیلی کم یاب تشریف دارم!! اقا برین بزنین سماور ببینین چند نفر در دنیا اسم بچشونو میزارن سماور خخخخ
MAHDI is the most popular 6686.th name in USA (... 6684.sprague , 6685.sherilyn , 6686.mahdi , 6687.chukwuma , 6688.chanda ...). One in every 78,023 Americans is named MAHDI and popularity of name MAHDI is 12.82 people per million.
If we compare the popularity statistics of MAHDI to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of September.11.2015 11:38 there are 4,144 people named as MAHDI in the United States and the number is increasing by 34 people every year.
Usage of mahdi as a first name is 55.56% and its usage as a middle name is 44.44%. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in MAHDI is 35 and this makes MAHDI arithmetic buddies with words like Candid, Keen, Clean. Add "Courtesy of PokeMyName.com' tag and feel free to distribute, copy, republish this interesting, accurate and also useless report about name MAHDI.