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معرفی فانتزی های برتر هر سال ( از2009 )

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عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 515
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در این تایپیک قصد دارم برترین فانتزی ها رو معرفی کنم.

Prominent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 515
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Acacia by David Anthony Durham

Durham has traveled the world, and lived in Scotland for a number of years, before landing in California as a Creative Writing professor at California State University. He’s made a name for himself writing novels involving The American Civil War, Carthage and the war with the Roman Republic. Acacia is his first attempt in the epic fantasy genre, and has made some noise in the industry.


Prominent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 515
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A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin

While fans are frustrated with the time between the previous novel in the Song of Ice and Fire series and A Dance with Dragons, 2011 would be a fantastic time for Martin to release the latest novel in the series, with HBO launching the Game of Thrones television series in 2011. Rumor has it Martin will be announcing something in the coming weeks. Pick up A Dance with Dragons over at Amazon.com.


The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch

The Republic of Thieves has a tentative release date of Spring 2011, likely due to Lynch‘s bout with depression, which he’s discussed publicly. Here’s to hoping Lynch is hanging in there, as fans of Locke Lamora and crew are salivating for the next installment in this series. Pick up The Republic of Thieves over at Amazon.com, which recently announced the release date as February.


The Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

Set for release on March 1, 2011 (according to Amazon.com), the second novel in Rothfuss‘ trilogy is likely to be one of the top-selling fantasy novels of 2011. Fans of Kvothe are extremely excited to see where Rothfuss takes the flame-haired hero next. Pick up The Wise Man’s Fear over at Amazon.com.the-wise-mans-fear.jpg

Prominent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 515
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The Heroes by Joe Abercrombie

Joe Abercrombie is hands-down one of the best in the business at this point, and The Heroes is the second stand-alone novel following his First Law trilogy. I’ve only read the first novel in the First Law trilogy, but I can’t wait to play catch-up and get to his more recent work. Pick up The Heroes over at Amazon.com.


Requiem by Ken Scholes

Requiem is the fourth book in the Psalms of Isaak quintet. I’ve read Lamentation, the first in the series, and have read reviews of the second and third novels in the series. If Requiem continues the reported increase in quality, The Psalms of Isaak is shaping up to be one of the highest quality fantasy series of the current generation of writers.

The Highprince of War by Brandon Sanderson

The Way of Kings was released in 2010, and The Highprince of War is the second novel in this series that is slated for a whopping 10 books. To say Sanderson is following in the steps of Jordan is an understatement; Sanderson has grabbed the reigns of Jordan’s series and simultaneously kicked off what is looking to be the series that will make his career.

Prominent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 515
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Ghost Story by Jim Butcher

Ghost Story is lucky number 13 in arguably the most popular urban fantasy series going right now. I’ve read a few novels by Butcher, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed both. Ghost Story promises to continue the tradition of a fantastic character in Harry Dresden. Pick up Ghost Story over at Amazon.com.


The Sea Watch by Adrian Tchaikovsky

The Sea Watch is book six in the Shadows of the Apt series by Adrian Tchaikovsky, which has been receiving rave reviews in the industry. The books are being released at a blistering pace, and I’ve only had time to read and review the first in the series so far. Pick up The Sea Watch over at Amazon.com.


A Memory of Light by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson

Arguably the most highly anticipated fantasy novel of 2011, this is the conclusion of one of the most ambitious and epic fantasy series of our time. Sanderson promises to close out a series started all the way back in 1990.

Prominent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 515
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The Crippled God by Steven Erikson

Yet another final novel in an epic series, The Crippled God is Erikson‘s tenth and final book in the Malazan Book of the Fallen series. Fans who have been following along have been doing so for over ten years, and this final novel in the series looks to place Erikson on the shelf with other household epic fantasy names such as Tolkien, Feist, and Brooks. Pick up The Crippled God over at Amazon.com.


Prominent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 515
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The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie

The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie was the best fantasy novel I read in 2010. Gritty, fast-paced, and filled with action, this first novel in a new epic fantasy series solidifies Abercrombie as one of the premier new authors in fantasy literature. The characterization isn’t just top-notch, the characters in The Blade Itself are unforgettable. Not only does Abercrombie deliver a quality novel, but there are moments of hilarity contained in these pages. Abercrombie is an honest, open-minded author, and these qualities shine in The Blade Itself. Check out my full review of The Blade Itself.


Empire in Black and Gold by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Yet another fantastic first novel in a series discovered in 2010. Empire in Black and Gold kicks off at a frantic pace, in the middle of a battle, and doesn’t relent for the rest of the novel. Absolutely blistering pace is combined with a truly original idea for characterization: all the characters in this novel are some derivation of what Tchaikovsky describes as kinden, which are half-human and half fill-in-the-insect. This makes for some truly unique elements in fighting, and opens up the opportunity for all kinds of historical backgrounds among the different kinden in novels to come. As if to match the blistering pace of the novel itself, Pyr has been releasing the novels in The Shadows of the Apt series every three months or so since this novel’s original release date. Looks like I’ve got some catch up reading to do. Check out my full review of Empire in Black and Gold.


Prominent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 515
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Daemon by Daniel Suarez

Daemon was, hands down, the most addictive novel I’ve ever read. While blending elements of fantasy and sci-fi (something I normally don’t enjoy), this techno-thriller beats the pace of a Dan Brown novel into a quivering pulp and delivers a novel that you can’t help but devour in a week or so. The hook: a computer game design company founder writes a code that monitors news headlines online. When he dies, it triggers a series of events that attempt to takeover the economy and portions of the government. Oddly, the DDOS attacks on large corporate web sites recently in relation to the WikiLeaks site are eerily reminiscent of the themes discussed in this novel. Scary. Check out my full review of Daemon.


Elantris by Brandon Sanderson

I’ve read a few Sanderson novels at this point, and Elantris is, if not tied for favorite with Mistborn, my favorite Sanderson novel. This novel contains similar themes as Mistborn, but was written prior, and I believe Sanderson had an insatiable appetite for writing fantastic fiction at the time. This is a beautiful story, self-contained in one volume, that is definitely worth going back and reading for any Sanderson fans who have tasted his more recent work. Check out my full review of Elantris.


Honorable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 537

لینک دانلود لطفا.

Honorable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 537

خواهشمندم لینک دانلود را مرحمت بفرمایید.

Honorable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 537

اگر می شود لینک دانلود را بگذارید.

Prominent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 515
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سایت منبع فقط معرفی کرده بود ،لینک دانلود نداشت.

ادرس سایت:فانتری

Honorable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 537

@youra 2295 گفته:

سایت منبع فقط معرفی کرده بود ،لینک دانلود نداشت.

ادرس سایت:فانتری

متشکرم. لینک دانلودش را خودم پیدا می کنم و می گذارم.

Prominent Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 515
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لطف می کنید.

Honorable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 537
  1. پرونده های درسدن نوشته جیم بوچر
  2. رویای فور نوشته جرج آر مارتین
  3. جادوگران نوشته لو گراسمن
  4. جاناتان استرنج و آقای نورل نوشته سوزان کلارک
  5. بیشه میساگو نوشته روبرت هولداستوک
  6. دروازه های آنوبیس نوشته تیم پاورز
  7. ناکجا نوشته نیل گیمن
  8. دختر آبی نوشته چارلز دی لینت
  9. خیابان های کثیف بهشت نوشته تاد ویلیامز
  10. جنگ برای بلوطها نوشته اما بول
  11. شاه موش نوشته چینا میوال
  12. نایت ساید نوشته سایمون آر گرین
  13. مامور مار نوشته لیز ویلیامز
  14. فرزند آتش نوشته هری کونولی
  15. اون لون دون نوشته چینا میوال
  16. هری پاتر نوشته جی کی رولینگ
  17. آریل نوشته استفان آر بویل
  18. اسناد مرگبار نوشته کاساندرا کلار
  19. سوکی استیکهاوس نوشته کارلاین هریس

منبع: Urban Fantasy Books | Best Fantasy Books

موارد یک، دوازده و نوزده در حال ترجمه هستند و مورد شانزده به طور کامل ترجمه شده.

Honorable Member
عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 537
  1. ارباب حلقه ها اثر جی آر آر تالکین
  2. سوداگران کشتی حیات نوشته رابین هاب
  3. دریای زمین نوشته ارسولا لوژوان
  4. زاده مه نوشته براندون ساندرسون
  5. نغمه ای از یخ و آتش نوشته جی آر آر مارتین
  6. سرگذشت توماس کاناوانت بی ایمان نوشته استفان دونالدسون
  7. سه گانه بارتمیوس جن نوشته جاناتان استرود
  8. هابیت نوشته جی آر آر تالکین
  9. سه گانه فارسیر نوشته رابین هاب
  10. سه گانه میراث نوشته ان کی جمیسین

منبع: Top 10 Epic / High fantasy books | Fantasy Book Review

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