Header Background day #08

Murder. Love. Jealousy. And the ultimate sacrifice.

The Queen is dead and the Moroi world will never be the same. Now, with Rose awaiting wrongful execution and Lissa in a deadly struggle for the royal throne, the girls find themselves forced to rely upon enemies and to question those they thought they could trust. . . .

But what if true freedom means sacrificing the most important thing of all?

Each other.

جزئیات فایل

  • زبان فایل: انگلیسی
  • فرمت فایل: pdf
  • تعداد صفحات: 267
  • منتشرکننده:
  • تعداد دانلود: 31 کاربر
  • حجم فایل: 1.34 MB
  • نام فایل: 6-Vampire-Academy-Last-Sacrifice.pdf
  • تاریخ انتشار: 1397/07/27
  • آپلودر: JuPiTeR
  • برچسب‌ها:

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