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World fantasy Award

1 ارسال‌
1 کاربران
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4,011 نمایش‌
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عضو شده: 6 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 606
شروع کننده موضوع  

The World Fantasy Awards, established in 1975, are presented annually at the World Fantasy Convention. The World Fantasy Award has been described as one of the three most prestigious speculative fiction awards, along with the Hugo (voted on by fans and professionals) and the Nebula Awards (voted on members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America). Writers, editors or artists can receive awards. The award statue is a caricature bust of H. P. Lovecraft designed by cartoonist Gahan Wilson in honor of Lovecraft's work and contributions to the world of fantasy. The award has the nickname of "Howard", after Lovecraft's first name.
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